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Verified & Correct BCBA Practice Test Reliable Source Mar 01, 2023 Updated

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NO.34 When setting criteria for behavior change, behavior analysts attempt to implement the simplest mode of intervention necessary to elicit the desired outcome. As such, the identified outcome criteria should be


NO.35 Which is the BEST example of stimulus generalization?


NO.36 A teacher gives a student a piece of paper and asks him to draw a picture. To request a crayon, the student looks at the teacher and says, “Crayon.” In response to this, the teacher replies, “Say, ‘Crayon please’.” The student complies with the request and the teacher gives them a crayon. This exchange is an example of.


NO.37 When shopping with her dad, Sally knocks items off the shelf, especially canned goods. The cans make a loud noise when they hit the floor. Her dad decides to teach her an alternative behavior.
What alternative behavior is the BEST choice to teach?


NO.38 For which of the following would it be appropriate to measure duration?


NO.39 A good behavior analyst always does what before authoring a behavior intervention?


NO.40 When determining the specified time interval to prescribe at the start of a DRO intervention, which of the
following dimensions of the target behavior is MOST relevant?


NO.41 The specific, or technical, name for the type of procedure used in the above question is:


NO.42 Trials to criterion refers to a measure of


NO.43 Which of the following would not be a type of function of behavior identified during a functional assessment?


NO.44 What are the three elements of informed consent?


NO.45 A behavior analyst responsible for the evaluation of a behavior change program has been unable to get others to collect data on the targeted behaviors. The others involved, including other service providers, are relying on personal anecdotes and questionnaires to evaluate the effectiveness of the program. The primary consumer reports satisfaction with the results so far. To evaluate the program, the behavior analyst should:


NO.46 In order to promote generalization in intensive teaching, the behavior analyst should.


NO.47 The rehabilitation therapist wants to determine if the sensory integration sessions are helping to reduce
Ed’s hand-slapping. What is the BEST method for recording momentary time-sampling data?


NO.48 When an observer notes everything the client does or says as well as events before and after the episode of behavior, he or she is using:


NO.49 Alternative appropriate behaviors that serve the same function for an individual:


NO.50 John’s instructional program has successfully increased the number of words he reads correctly per minute. The procedures used include special worksheets, contingent reinforcement for number of words read correctly, and peer tutoring. The behavior analyst wants to determine which part or parts of the treatment have been effective, so he systematically dismantles the treatment and withdraws elements until the reading no longer improves. The behavior analyst is completing A.


NO.51 In this graph, what is plotted on number 1?


NO.52 Providing a complete description of one’s procedures in a behavior analytic study of classroom management techniques is adhering to which dimensions of behavior analysis?


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