Q92. In the following example, the Homelns, Homelnslnt, and Customer rulesets are configured for application validation. MyCo and MyCoInt are configured for ruleset validation. MyCo lists MyCoInt and Customer as its prerequisites, and the prerequisite for MyCoInt is Pega-ProcessCommander.
Which of the following statements is correct?

In Pega,s ruleset hierarchy, a ruleset can reference rules in its own ruleset as well as in any prerequisites (and their prerequisites, recursively). Since MyCo lists MyCoInt and Customer as its prerequisites and MyCoInt, in turn, lists Pega-ProcessCommander (which is not relevant here), MyCo can reference rules in both Homelns and HomelnsInt. However, since only Homelns is explicitly mentioned in the options, the correct answer is that MyCo can reference rules in Homelns. Pega SSA course materials on ruleset hierarchy and ruleset validation.